Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 31 Fargo to Battle Lake

97/1890/2163 Picture of the Fargo police station, reminiscent of the Fargo Movie. Take the picture on my way out of town on another beautiful morning then into a detour on University Drive that takes me 4 miles out of my way through residential areas. County roads 12 and 10 are pretty rough and 10 has lots of noisy trucks. After a point I turn onto the Otter Tail scenic byway and the trucks go away and the scenery improves to small farms and lakes between rolling hills. Stop at the roadhouse grill at Lake Cormorant and have a great chicken sandwich with some locals and Harley Bikers rolling through. Hills not that steep but constant challenge and here we have trees and forest stands between fields of both wheat and corn. Farmers or their wives have planted wildflowers along the edge of their crop fields along the way and the farmhouses all are well kept with flower gardens and lots of plastic deer and bunnies in the neat lawns. Most have planted large Oak trees to shade their home plots and gardens. A young doe walks up the middle of the road around the bend just outside of Cormorant and I barely scare her off the road. In Pelican Rapids along Pelican Lake, there is a small sailboat club with a smattering of small sailboats, signs for Saturday Morning races weekly. Nice easy ride into Battle Lake and a quaint little motel with chairs on lawn outside each unit. We sit out front with Beau and enjoy the afternoon until a shower scares us in. Recommended food is Stella's downtown, not connected with the Stella's from Fargo, but another great restaurant with good service and food on a beautiful outside veranda. Another coincidence. We have a nice sleep and rest tonight.

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